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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Customer Service Charter

What you can expect from us

Council is committed to providing a high standard of customer service that is timely, accurate and accountable, and responsive to customer needs.

The Customer Service Charter outlines what customers can expect when dealing with Council and the level of service we aim to provide.

When you contact Council, we will:

  • Greet you politely and identify ourselves by name.
  • Answer your telephone call promptly.
  • Treat you with respect and courtesy.
  • Listen carefully to you, so that we may understand and respond to your needs appropriately.
  • Communicate in a clear and concise manner.
  • Take responsibility to assist you with your enquiry to the best of our ability.
  • Provide choice in our delivery methods so that our services are accessible across the community.
  • Keep you in the loop to inform you of the status of your request or enquiry and close the loop when the request or enquiry is complete.

Response times

There are a number of ways you can contact Council to make an enquiry, request a service or provide feedback.

Email/Online forms We will respond within 5 working days
Social Media We will respond within 1 working days
Phone We will return telephone messages within the next working day
In person We aim to resolve your enquiry immediately or if this is not possible we will advise you when you can expect a response.
If you have an enquiry about a complex issue like planning or building you may wish to make an appointment. This way we can ensure a specialist officer is available to discuss your issue.
Post We will respond within 10 working days

Our Service Commitments provide timeframes for each of the services we provide from repairing footpaths to emptying bins to delivering home care services.  View the Service Commitments.

Respecting your privacy

Your personal information will be handled in accordance with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 and used for the specified purpose. You can access your personal information by contacting Council’s Privacy Officer on 9705 5200.

Decision making

When we make a decision, we will:

  • Consider all perspectives before reaching a decision.
  • Make decisions that are consistent, fair and in line with Council policies, and relevant legislation.
  • Explain the reasons for our decisions.
  • Communicate our decisions, and respond with any further action in a timely manner.

Help us to help you

When you contact Council, please:

  • Provide all relevant information to help us better assist you with your enquiry.

Feedback from you

  • We welcome, at any time, comments or suggestions to help us improve our service to you. Additionally, we will:
  • Monitor our performance constantly, and consult with our customers annually to help us better tailor our services to meet your needs.
  • Review this charter as part of Council’s planning cycle, and consider your comments as part of the review.

Responding to your concerns

We will:

  • Respond to your concerns as a matter of priority.
  • If you feel that the service we have provided to you has not met the terms of this Customer Service Charter, you may lodge a complaint.  Complaints can be submitted via the council website, email, post, in person, or over the phone. Further information on the Complaint Handling Procedure.

Service Commitments

Asset Permits and Consent  

  • We will inspect and provide advice on vehicle crossing enquiries within ten (10) working days of a request being received.
  • We will inspect and provide approval or advice for vehicle crossing pre-pours within 24 working hours of receiving a booking.
  • We will process asset protection permit applications within seven (7) working days of an application being received.
  • We will conduct a final inspection for asset protection permits within seven (7) working days of an application being received.

Animal Management

  • We will audit every registered domestic animal business annually to ensure compliance with relevant codes of practice.
  • We will initiate investigation into complaints of dog attacks against people or animals within 2 - 24 hours of a report being received.

Arts and Events

  • We will issue notification of all permits and other requirements necessary to hold a community event in the municipality within ten (10) working days of receiving all information from applicant(s).

Building Management

  • We will commence investigation for urgent maintenance requests for council buildings within 1 working day of a request.
  • We will commence investigation for non-urgent maintenance requests for council buildings within 5 working days of a request.

Building Services

  • We will provide property information certificates within five (5) working days of an application being received.
  • We will provide copies of building plans and permits within seven (7) working days of an application being received. Copies may not be available for properties over 40 years old.
  • We will process applications for dispensations to building regulations within 15 statutory days of a complete application being received
  • We will commence investigations into complaints/concerns relating to dangerous buildings and unfenced pools or spas within two (2) working days of a complaint being received.
  • We will assess and initiate appropriate action for complaints/concerns relating to building works/matters within 10 working days

Community Safety

  • We will remove/obliterate graffiti within one (1) working day from Council owned property, or receiving consent from the property owner or occupier.

Construction Supervision

  • We will inspect and repair hazardous footpaths within 30 days of a report being received.

Drainage and Cleansing

  • We will remove dumped rubbish on council land within five (5) working days of a request being received or if required, undertake an investigation.

  • We will remove dead animals from Council roads and paths within one (1) working day of a report being received.
  • We will contact you regarding the investigation of blocked council owned drains and pits within five (5) working days of a report being received.
  • We will inspect and make safe missing or damaged pit lids within 24 hours of a report being received.

Early Parenting Support

  • Upon notification of birth, all first time parents will be invited to attend a first time parent group before their child reaches two (2) months of age.
  • We will contact you to discuss your referral to early parenting support within three (3) working days of receipt.
  • We will follow up with you within 10 working days with a phone call after your first Early parenting support home visit to discuss changes implemented since your visit.

Environmental Health

  • We will Investigate public health nuisance concerns that don’t pose an immediate health risk within 48 hours of notification.
  • We will ensure that business registrations are assessed within 10 working days following receipt of relevant documentation, payment of fees and satisfactory inspection.
  • We will collect discarded syringes in public places within two (2) hours of notification during daylight hours and where it is safe to do so.

Fire Prevention

  • We will assess permits to burn within 10 working days of a request being received.
  • We will undertake property inspections for identified fire hazards within 5 working days of notification, during the fire danger period.
  • We will undertake property inspections for long grass requests during non-fire danger period within 10 working days of notification.


  • Council minutes will be made available two (2) working days after a Council meeting.


  • We will provide written information within 10 days of receiving your kindergarten registration.

Local Laws

  • We will initiate investigation into customer requests regarding unregistered or abandoned vehicles on public land within 10 working days of a request being made.
  • We will initiate investigations into parking related concerns within five (5) working days of a requests being received.

Maternal and Child Health

  • We will contact you within 10 working days of council being notified that your baby has been born to make a time for a maternal and child health nurse to visit you in your home.

Park Services

  • We will investigate and action general parks maintenance (non-urgent) requests within 10 working days.
  • We will attend to emergency playground requests within 24 hours of a report being received.


  • We will undertake initial assessments and request any required further information on your planning application within 28 days of lodgement.


  • We will process copies of rates notices within five (5) working days of a request being made.
  • We will process standard Land Information Certificates within three (3) working days of an application being received.
  • We will process urgent Land Information Certificates within one (1) working day of an application being received.

Residential Waste Services Hard Waste

  • We will collect your hard waste within 6 days of the date provided to you at the time of booking.

Residential Waste Services Kerbside Bins

  • We will replace missing or unrepairable bins within three (3) working days of request being received.  
  • We will provide bins to new residential properties within three (3) working days of occupation when notified by the resident or occupier.
  • We will collect missed bin collections due to driver error within one (1) working day of report being received.

Road Maintenance

  • We will inspect and repair pot holes on Council sealed roads within ten (10) working days of a report being received.

Stormwater Management

  • Land owners eligible for Shared Cost Fencing will receive confirmation of the amount Council will contribute within ten (10) working days.
  • We will provide standard Legal points of discharge information within ten (10)  working days of an application being received.


  • We will refer subdivision applications for certification to external referral authorities within seven (7) days of lodgement.
  • We will certify compliant applications within the 49 statutory days.

Traffic and Parking Management

  • We will allow 21 days for residents and property owners to submit a response when consulting with the community on changes to parking restrictions.
  • We will allow 21 days for residents and property owners to submit a response when consulting with the community on proposed Local Traffic Management Schemes.

Trees and Horticulture

  • We will attend to emergency tree requests on Council land within 24 hours of a report being received.
  • We will investigate routine tree maintenance requests on Council Land within 10 working days of a request being received.

Youth Support and Counselling

  • We will make contact within three (3) working days upon receipt of a referral to discuss service availability and commencement details for Youth Counselling & Support.

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