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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Mosquitos & midges

How to avoid mosquito bites

While most mosquitoes in Victoria do not carry diseases, it is still important to protect yourself from getting bitten. There are simple steps to protect yourself and your family from mosquito-borne diseases:

  • Wear loose-fitting clothing when outdoors. Cover up as much as possible.
  • Use an effective mosquito repellent on exposed skin. Repellents containing picaridin or DEET are considered to be the most effective. 
  • Prevent mosquito breeding around your own home. Our homes can provide a surprising number of suitable mosquito breeding areas – everything from water pooling in plant pot saucers to inadequately screened water tanks. Check out the Department of Health and Human Services’ Mosquitoes – protect your home checklist for tips and information on how to prevent mosquitoes breeding around your home.
  • For more information on protecting against mosquito bites, go to the Better Health Channel

How to avoid midge bites

Biting midges are tiny type of fly that are associated with coastal habitats. Like mosquitoes, it is only the females that bite. While their biting behaviour can be annoying, biting midges are not known to transmit any human diseases in Australia.

To avoid midge bites:

  • Try to plan outdoor activities outside of dawn and dusk as biting midges tend to be most active at these times.
  • Try to cover up as much exposed skin as possible when outdoors. Long, loose fitting clothing is best.
  • Use an effective insect repellent on exposed skin. Repellents containing picaridin or DEET are considered to be the most effective.
  • Screen all windows and doors with a fine mesh screening – biting midges are very small and can fit through standard fly screens.

Report mosquito breeding

Mosquitoes breeding on residential or commercial properties

If you have concerns about mosquitoes breeding on another property, try to speak with the resident/property owner about your concerns first if you feel comfortable doing so.

You can also contact us to make a report. You will need to provide us with the address of the property and the reasons as to why you believe mosquitoes are breeding at that location. A Council officer will then investigate the matter.

Mosquitoes breeding on Council land

If you notice mosquitoes breeding on Council land, contact us to make a report. A Council officer will attend the site and conduct an assessment.

Mosquitoes breeding on land managed by other authorities

If you know which authority manages the land, you can contact them directly to make your report.

If you are unsure of who manages the land, please contact us. We can assist you in making a report to the appropriate authority.

Buruli ulcer

Buruli ulcer is a skin disease caused by a type of bacteria. Currently, the mode of transmission for the disease is unknown, though it is thought that mosquitoes may have a role to play.

The Better Health Channel has more information on Buruli ulcer including a map that illustrates the risk areas in Victoria.

Mosquito Surveillance 

Over summer and early autumn, the City of Casey collects data regarding mosquito larvae numbers through undertaking larval dipping at a variety of locations within the municipality.  

This information is provided to the Victorian Department of Health as part of their state-wide mosquito surveillance activities.  Adult trapping will commence this year at a selected number of locations to enhance the data provided to State Government.      

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