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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Nuisance birds

Swooping birds

During the Spring breeding season, a small percentage of birds such as magpies and plovers, are highly protective of their eggs, nest and young. They will swoop as a warning to intruders in their territory. ‘Intruders’ can be people, animals, and even objects.

Swooping is normal behaviour for these birds. The best thing to do is to avoid swooping hotspots.

Do not harm the bird or the nest in any way as they are protected under the Wildlife Act 1975.

Reduce the risk of a swooping bird

The best thing to do to reduce the risk from a swooping bird is to protect your head and move quickly past the area, without running.

The Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) has some tips to avoid swooping birds.

Notify others

You can keep others in the community informed of swooping hot spots by reporting the swooping location on the DELWP's Victoria’s Magpie Map. Or, tweet the details to @DELWP_Vic and including #swoopvic in the message.

Indian Myna birds

The Indian Myna is a pest species that poses a serious threat to biodiversity and the long-term survival of native wildlife.

Prevent Indian Myna birds at your property

You can discourage Indian Myna birds from coming to your property by:

  • removing potential food sources such as pet food, open compost bins and bird feeders
  • plant indigenous shrubs, as these attract native birds and deter Indian Mynas

Trapping Indian Mynas

You can trap Indian Mynas without a permit. You can purchase an Indian Myna bird trap from Cardinia Shire Council.

Euthanising Indian Mynas

If you choose to trap the bird, you must dispose of it in a humane way.

Many vets are able to euthanise Indian Mynas for free or for a small price. You must euthanise any Indian Mynas you capture within 24 hours.

More information

For more information on Indian Mynas and how to deal with them, please see a short video about the Indian Myna bird

Nuisance poultry

Nuisance poultry can cause neighbourhood problems such as noise and odour.

In the City of Casey, properties under 4,000 square metres may keep up to 6 chickens without a permit. The housing of roosters is not permitted without a permit.

These animals must be housed and kept in a secure and Council approved structure in accordance with the code of practice for poultry.

If you think poultry is being kept without a permit or are becoming a nuisance, please contact us:

Cockatoos, corellas and galahs

Cockatoos, corellas and galahs are protected by the Wildlife Act 1975. If you are experiencing problems with these birds, including if they are damaging property, the DELWP have guidelines to help you manage the birds.

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