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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

2018 and 2022 Planning Scheme Reviews

Purpose of reviews

All Victorian councils are required to review their planning schemes every four years to ensure that the scheme remains effective, relevant and efficient.  These reviews usually take place within 12 months of a council adopting its Council Plan.

The purpose of the review is to assess whether the local content of the planning scheme has been effective in achieving the objectives and strategies of the planning scheme. It also provides an opportunity for the council to identify major planning issues facing the municipality, policy deficiencies, where planning controls can be simplified or streamlined, and improvements to the operation of the planning scheme.

The most recent reviews of the Casey Planning Scheme took place in 2018 and 2022.

Casey Planning Scheme Review 2018

The Casey Planning Scheme Review 2018 was endorsed by Council on 18 December 2018 for submission to the Minister for Planning to meet its statutory obligations under Section 12B of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

A copy of the report submitted to the Minister can be found here: Casey Planning Scheme Review 2018 Report

Key Findings of 2018 Review

The findings of the review indicate that the Casey Planning Scheme generally accords with state and local planning objectives and strategies.  However, the review identified that the local content of the planning scheme needed updating in several areas, including the removal of redundant planning controls, streamlining provisions and facilitating better alignment of its strategic directions and policies with the Council Plan 2017-2021.

Recommendations of 2018 Review

The review made 20 recommendations relating to the content and operation of the Casey Planning Scheme that have been categorised as follows:

Required strategic projects

  • Strategic projects that need to be completed to meet organisational priorities and State Government requirements and which will have the greatest impact on the operation and efficiency of the Casey Planning Scheme.

Strategic opportunities

  • Opportunities for further strategic work that will assist in improving the operation and efficiency of the Casey Planning Scheme that have been identified through the review.

Continuous improvement processes

  • Improvement of internal processes that impact on the management and operation of the planning scheme to streamline decision-making.

Further details of these recommendations can be found by downloading a copy of the Casey Planning Scheme Review 2018 report from the link above.

Casey Planning Scheme Review 2022

The 2022 Planning Scheme Review included an audit of the 2018 Review recommendations and noted an upcoming planning scheme amendment to introduce a new format planning scheme in accordance with state government requirements (Amendment C284case).  In this context the 2022 Review was deliberately targeted at a status update of the 2018 recommendations.

The 2022 Review Report was endorsed by Council at its meeting on 13 December 2022 for submission to the Minister for Planning to meet its statutory obligations under Section 12B of the Planning and Environment Act 1987.

A copy of the report submitted to the Minister can be found here.

Key Findings of 2022 Review

A significant number of the 2018 Review recommendations had been completed or were underway and the upcoming Amendment C284case would be another milestone in reforming the Casey Planning Scheme.

Recommendations of 2022 Review

The Review recommended that strategic gaps in the Scheme be addressed over time as part of Council’s future strategic planning work program.

Further details of the Review and its recommendations can be found by downloading a copy of the Casey Planning Scheme Review 2022 report.

Further Information

Should you desire any more information about either the 2018 or 2022 reviews please contact Council’s Strategic Planning & Reform Team on 9705 5200.

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