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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Bells Road

Project Overview 

Bells Road is being constructed as the primary north-south arterial road connection to support the development growth in Berwick and Clyde North. The extension will see a new north-south arterial from the O’Shea Road and Monash Freeway Beaconsfield interchange in the north, to Heather Grove Road in the south.


Once complete, Bells Road will provide: 

  • Greater access to developing residential estates in Berwick and Clyde North.
  • An additional north/south connection to the Monash Freeway 
  • Improved traffic flow and road safety on Berwick-Cranbourne Road and Clyde Road and surrounding road network.
  • A safer and convenient road experience for residents.
  • Ease the flow of traffic and keeping up with the strong pace of population growth.


Bells Road map



  • Bells Road between the O’Shea Road and Grices Road Intersections
  • Bells Road and Grices Road Intersection
  • Bells Road between the Thompsons Road and Heather Grove Intersections.


  • Bells Road between Huckerby Drive and Thompsons Road Intersections

Bells Road between Huckerby Drive and Thompsons Road Intersections 

What works have been completed to date? 

As of June 2024, the footpath, drainage, base course road pavement and kerb and channel works have been completed. The intersection of Thompsons Road and Bells Road has also been completed. 

What works are still required? 

Works were on hold as APA Group, the gas service authority had identified additional requirements for their high-pressure gas transmission line that passes through the construction zone.

With a resolution now reached with APA, the outstanding works to install asphalt, footpath, kerb modification, public lighting and line marking can be completed.

Bells Road will then open from Huckerby Drive through to Thompsons Road with an operating signalised intersection. The southern section of Soldiers Road will be discontinued once Bells Road is opened.

What is the cause of the delay in works?

In May 2024, the gas transmission authority, APA Group identified additional requirements for their high-pressure gas transmission line that passes through the construction zone.

Council has actively responded to these additional requirements and advocated for a timely resolution.

Works were on hold until a resolution could be reached, this has now been resolved and construction activities have now resumed. 

How is Council taking action?

Council and Frasers Property Australia have worked with APA and relevant Victorian Government agencies to achieve a timely resolution so that onsite works can resume.

Council officers are regularly assessing the condition of Soldiers Road and taking appropriate measures required to keep the road functioning safely. Victoria Police has also been alerted with a request for enforcement of the school speed zone on Soldiers Road for a safer environment for road users.

Council is aware that the absence of alternative north-south routes further contributes to the traffic congestion in this area and values the patience and cooperation of road users during this period of infrastructure improvement.

More information

For more information, contact Council’s City Design and Construction team on 9705 5200 or email

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