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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Submit a public question

You can submit a question to be asked during all Council meetings. This allows you to ask a question that can clarify an issue of public interest.

Before you submit a public question, please be aware:

  • You can submit a maximum of 2 questions per meeting.
  • You must submit your question before 10 am the day before the Council meeting.
  •  Your question must not exceed a 80 word count limit.
  • Your question must not be offensive or irrelevant and must meet the guidance criteria around public question time as per Clauses 61 of the Governance Rules.
  • Please note by submitting a public question, this will be included during the Council Meeting public question time and recorded in the Council Meeting minutes.
  • Any person or representative who submits a public question must be in the gallery at the time the question and response is due to be read. If the person is not in the gallery, the Chair will not read the question and response, however, will note that the question will be recorded in the minutes of the Council Meeting, together with a copy of the written response.
  • Following the meeting, a link to the copy of the minutes will be emailed to you.

How to submit a question

Submit a question

or email:
Stating in the email that you would like to include your question in the upcoming Council Meeting.

Contact the administrators

You can also contact the panel of administrators for questions or feedback on items on the Council Meeting agenda. The administrators will receive these comments and may raise them at the Council Meeting.  Otherwise, messages will be responded to via email.

You can contact the administrators via the Casey Conversations website.

What happens next

  • If your question meets the criteria, it will be asked during Public Question Time at the next Ordinary Council Meeting and a response will be read out by the Chair Administrator
  • A copy of the question and response will be published in the Council Meeting minutes here



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