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Council elections will take place on Saturday, 26 October. We will be entering the pre-election period, known as the Caretaker Period, from Tuesday, 17 September.

Future Mobility Living Lab

Key details

  • Opens: 14 August 2023, 9:00 am
  • Closes: 19 September 2023, 5:00 pm
  • Amount: Various amounts as per the following categories:
    • Up to $40,000 of financial contributions for businesses, start-ups, and social enterprises, 1:1 contribution (minimum 50% financial)
    • Up to $10,000 of financial contributions to universities and research institutes
    • In-kind support for any applicant
  • Contact:

Before applying please read through the information on this page which is also available in the Future Mobility Living Lab Grant Guidelines.

Apply via SmartyGrants

About Living Lab

For the City of Casey, a Living Lab is a place-based approach to driving innovation through co-design with partners, community, and Council. It enables businesses, academia, community, research institutes / organisations and start-ups to collaborate on local challenges and develop solutions that will address them at scale. A Living Lab requires three components: 

  1. Problem: Complex problem that our community faces and is only likely to increase with our growth.
  2. People: A range of people from business, community, not-for-profits, education, etc., that could address the problem.
  3. Place: A physical location that can bring innovation to life and create a testbed for our community.  

The objective of the City of Casey Living Lab is to efficiently trial, evaluate and potentially scale up innovative ideas that support Council strategies to stimulate the local economy, address environmental challenges, and improve community outcomes through private-public partnerships and innovation processes.

Responding to complex challenges requires new approaches and innovative concepts. The Living Lab aims to identify solutions that can meet the community's needs in new ways and evolve with community feedback and insights. There are a range of funding pathways for Living Labs, including grants for trialling and research.

The Future Mobility Living Lab

The City of Casey is Victoria's 3rd fastest growing municipality, behind Wyndham and Whittlesea and the 8th fastest-growing municipality in Australia. Our population is forecast to grow from approximately 323,604 in 2017 to 514,800 by 2041. Due to our current large population and the expected growth rates, it is critical that we start to understand how to plan for a better future.

The Future Mobility Living Lab is a collaborative playground where ideas thrive and solutions are generated through community engagement and co-creation. It aims to revolutionise how people move around the city through partnerships and open dialogue, fostering a safe, inclusive, and to be more environmentally conscious. The Future Mobility Living Lab enables the testing of emerging technologies in response to community needs, ensuring that the City of Casey stays at the forefront of mobility innovation by addressing Safety & Inclusion & Sustainability.

Focus Areas of the Future Mobility Living Lab grant

Through the Future Mobility Living Lab grant, the City of Casey aims to fund outcomes that successfully deliver and validate innovative solutions, producing measurable economic, social, and environmental benefits, advancing a more connected community in Casey. Solutions should address one or more of the challenges presented in the following key areas:

  • Safety & Inclusion: One of the primary objectives is to enable a more significant movement of people of all abilities within the City of Casey. Emphasising safety and accessibility, the Living Lab aims to create solutions that cater to the needs of everyone, regardless of age or physical limitations. The How Might We statement for this theme becomes, "How Might We enable a more significant movement of people of all abilities around the City of Casey?"  
  • Sustainability: To reduce the city's carbon footprint and congestion, the Living Lab seeks to stimulate alternative modes of transport beyond cars. By encouraging sustainable options, the City of Casey can take a giant leap towards becoming a greener community. The corresponding How Might We statement is, "How might we stimulate other modes of transport in the City of Casey besides cars?"

  • Emerging Technology: Embracing cutting-edge technologies is essential to achieving the future mobility vision. The Living Lab is a hub for exploring and integrating emerging technologies into the city's transport infrastructure, ensuring that the City of Casey becomes a pioneer in smart mobility. The associated How Might We statement reads,  "How might we create a Smarter City that promotes safe, inclusive, and sustainable transportation while strengthening community connections?"  

​​​Benefits are expected for the broad community, but projects may address a specific target group or area in the City of Casey. The types of organisations we are looking to partner with include established businesses, start-ups with more than one year of activity, not-for-profits, social enterprises, co-operatives, research institutions, universities, and community groups.

Types of grants available

There are two grants available for the Future Mobility Living Lab. These are: 

1. Trial Grants

Up to $40,000 per project (with 1:1 matched co-funding, minimum 50% financial contribution, plus in-kind contribution)

To apply for this grant, you must: 

  • be a legal entity (e.g. an incorporated association, a co-operative, a company or a trust) 
  • provide co-contribution funds with at least 1:1 matched funding (minimum 50% financial plus in-kind contributions). 
  • have a level of public liability insurance up to $10 million.  
  • have a level of professional indemnity up to $5 million (where the organisation provides professional advice). 
  • have WorkCover insurance (where your organisation or business employs people) 
  • obtain a Working With Children Check if required. 
  • submit a project plan with milestones, community benefits, trial methods, desired impact, and an itemised budget detailing how you will spend the funds. 
  • submit your application and documentation online through our Smarty Grants system.  
  • if selected, be able to attend the Community Events in 2024 (to be published).  
  • if selected, be able to attend the City of Casey Innovation Summit on Friday, October 27th, 9:00 am – 5:30 pm. 

2. Research Grants 

Up to $10,000 per research project. 

To apply for this grant, you must:

  • be a tertiary education organisation or research institution (e.g. university or identifiable research organisation). 
  • have a level of public liability insurance up to $10 million.  
  • have a level of professional indemnity up to $5 million (where the organisation provides professional advice). 
  • have WorkCover insurance (where your organisation or business employs people) 
  • obtain a Working With Children Check if required. 
  • submit a summary project plan with milestones, community benefits, research methodology, desired impact, and previous research they have published. 
  • submit your application and documentation online through our SmartyGrants system. 
  • be able to attend the Community Events (to be published), if shortlisted.  
  • If selected, be able to attend the City of Casey Innovation Summit on Friday, October 27th, 9:00 am – 5:30 pm. 


Note: If your organisation or project is not eligible for the grant, there are other ways for you to participate and collaborate with trial partners and research partners via our Future Mobility Living Lab Pop-ups. You can submit your expression of interest to be informed of these opportunities.


Please read through the below sections to ensure the eligibility of your project

Who can apply

We can accept applications for the following: 

  • Pilot projects 
  • Events and community activations.  
  • Project-related costs (including staffing costs directly related to the project). 
  • Digital and physical infrastructure and materials required for the trial. 
  • Joint applications and partnerships. 
  • Research projects that support current research. 

The applications must adhere to the following: 

  • Projects must be able to start within one month after the grant agreement sign-off. 
  • Trial outcomes must be achieved within 6 to 8 months. 
  • Projects must have tangible and measurable outcomes. 

Who cannot apply

We cannot accept applications for the following: 

  • Projects that cannot commence within one month from the formal approval by the City of Casey and contracts sign-off. 
  • Projects (research and test of products and/or services) that cannot be completed in a timeframe of 6 to 8 months, at agreed upon start date in 2023/2024. 
  • For trial grant application: Feasibility study or research (only available for research grant applicants). 
  • Multiple applications for different projects 
  • Projects already funded by Council. 
  • Projects that take place outside of the City of Casey. 
  • Ongoing operational costs such as utilities (electricity, gas and water), staff wages/salaries not directly related to the trial, rent or insurance. 
  • Grants programs, prizes, awards, or donations.  
  • Funding towards reimbursing retrospective projects or existing work unrelated to the application. 

Trial grant assessment criteria

We are looking for projects that are: 

  • Innovative: solutions should deliver outcomes by testing and scaling cutting-edge products and services.
  • Data-led: accessible and transparent data insights should be integrated into the proposed solution to ensure measurable outcomes and tangible benefits.
  • Local providers: to maximise benefits for the local economy, local providers will be favoured, although any Australian Commercial business and social enterprise is eligible to submit a proposal.
  • Technology-powered: when a particular technology product is central to the delivery of a proposed solution, the provider needs to ensure reliability, data privacy/management, and share prior testing results.
  • Collaborative: partnerships for the trial are encouraged, and the solution would be beneficial to enable cross-collaboration to achieve maximum benefits and reach a broader target.  

Trial grant assessment criteria

Community Desirability 30%

  • Applicants can operate within the City of Casey. 
  • Demonstration of clear community needs and outcomes for the Casey community.  
  • Strong alignment to Casey’s Council Plan and Strategies. 
  • Evidence that the solution will produce the expected result. 
  • Clearly articulate how the solution will solve a problem, including project outcomes and benefits. 
  • Articulation of project success metrics. 

Project Viability 30%

  • Sound detailed and realistic budget within the bounds of grant funding available. 
  • The expenditure items listed are necessary and meet eligibility

Project Feasibility 30%

  • Feasible and comprehensive project plan. 
  • Ability to manage data, technology, and privacy in a secure way (if applicable). 
  • Risks identified and mitigation plan. 
  • Summary of communication plan provided. 
  • Evidence of experience in delivering the proposed project. 

Partnerships and Innovation Potential 10%

  • Demonstration of multi-partner collaboration.  
  • Demonstration of an innovative solution that meets Council and community needs. 
  • Utilisation of innovative approaches to data and insights. 
  • Extra weighting will be offered to local businesses that operate in Casey. 

Research grant assessment criteria

We are looking for researchers that are:

  • Currently conducting research in the broader field of future mobility with research expertise in the fields of:
    • Sustainability 
    • Safety / Inclusion 
    • Emerging Technology 
  • Willing to collaborate with the City of Casey, Trial Partners, Community Groups, and other organisations engaging via the Community Pop-ups.

Research grant assessment criteria

1. Current Research 70%

  • Evidence of prior research and articles relating to Future Mobility and the relevant themes. 
  • Ability to attend pop-up and other community events in person, working alongside successful trial grant recipients and the City of Casey. 
  • Strong alignment to Casey’s Council Plan and Strategies. 
  • Evidence that the research conducted for the duration of the Future Mobility Living Lab can be informed by current broader research conducted by the applicant. 
  • Clear articulation of how the research can assist Future Mobility Living Lab solutions, including project outcomes and benefits. 
  • Previous experience with Living Lab activities is not required but beneficial. 

2. Collaboration 30%

  • Proposal of research delivery and how it will be conducted in the context of the ongoing trials and community-based pop-ups. 
  • Demonstrated approach to collaboration with trial partners, the City of Casey, and community-based pop-ups. 

Assessment Process

  1. Funding applications are checked for eligibility by Council officers.  
  2. Eligible applications are then assessed by the internal Living Lab judging panel that makes recommendations to the internal Future Mobility Living Lab Steering Committee for endorsement.  

    Note: The full amount requested may not be approved; the assessment panel may recommend partial funding.  Consideration will also be given to the total funding available and the distribution of funding across the priority areas. 
  3. Successful and unsuccessful recipients will be notified of the outcome of their application at the end of the process. Successful applicants will be invited to join the launch event on 27th October 2023, 9:00 am – 5:30 pm at Bunjil Place during the Innovation Summit. 

How to apply

Online applications open on 14 August 2023 on the Smarty Grants platform.

Applications must include additional information as specified. Supporting documents and attachments must be in electronic format and submitted as part of the online application process. The application must be submitted by the due date. No paper applications will be accepted or applications outside of Smarty Grants will be considered. Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.

Monday 14 August 2023 

Applications open on SmartyGrants

Wednesday 23 August 2023

Online Information session  

  • 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm 
  • Register via Eventbrite to receive the MS Teams link to participate. 
Tuesday 19 September 2023 Applications close. There is no access to the online applications after 5:00 pm. An automated acknowledgement email is sent to the applicant as soon as the application is submitted. 
20 September - 17 October 2023 Applications are processed to determine eligibility. Applications are assessed against the assessment criteria by Casey officers and shortlist confirmed.
Friday 18 October 2023 Successful applicants notified.
Friday 27th October 2023
9:00 am – 5:30 pm
Launch event with successful applicants at Innovation Summit at Bunjil Place.
November 2023 Signing of Funding and Service Agreements and funding is distributed.
December 2023 – July 2024 Delivery of Future Mobility Living Lab activities with successful partners.
September 2024 Closing event.

If your application is successful

  • We will notify you by email or phone to organise a project kick-off meeting.
  • You will need to read Council’s Grants Policy.
  • If you have any outstanding payments to Council, you must clear these before we can pay the grant.  
  • If required, you will need to have all Council permits and approval obtained before grant funds can be paid.

Useful information

The following links contain information that may be useful in preparing a Living Lab funding application: 

What are the conditions of the funding?

All successful applicants must adhere to the conditions outlined in the City of Casey’s Grants Policy (October 2017), available from Council’s website. The following conditions also apply:

  • Successful applicants will be required to enter into a funding and service agreement with the City of Casey, which lists funding conditions.  This must be signed, and appropriate documentation provided before funds are issued. 
  • Successful applicants will be required to provide a statement of expenditure or an audited statement at the completion funding period. If Council’s grant funds are not spent, all remaining funds must be returned to Council. 
  • Please note that a Living Lab Funding application will not necessarily result in funding or may result in only a portion of the amount requested being allocated. 
  • Groups will need to satisfy acquittal requirements for previous Council grants and funding before funds will be released. 
  • Depending on outcomes and benefits for Casey, some successful applicants may be invited to scale up their project with additional funding provided at the discretion of the Council.
  • Council may also choose to take the learnings from the trial to inform future market activities at the discretion of the Council.

Reporting and Acquittal 

After completing your project, you must tell us how you spent the grant money and the project's outcomes. This is known as an acquittal process. You must complete the acquittal process online within 60 days of completing the project. The reporting format and agreed outputs will be provided upon the successful appointment of the grant.  

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